Lone Worker Policy
The safety and well-being of our staff and volunteers are of utmost importance. We provide a secure working environment.
For all lone workers, the following training is mandatory as a minimum requirement:
Paediatric First Aid
Child Protection Training
Prevent Duty
On certain occasions, when the number of staff members is below the required ratio, one staff member may be assigned to work alone in a specific room or area within the setting. Additionally, a member of staff may accompany a small group of children during outings in the community.
Lone working will only be allowed if the following conditions are met:
The number of children present is below the required ratio and deemed appropriate.
The lone worker holds at least an NVQ Level 3 qualification or its equivalent.
Managers or other staff members will regularly check on lone workers.
Staff members with a Level 3 qualification or higher are authorised to supervise small groups of children outdoors. Some instances where lone working is considered acceptable include:
When a small group of children wants to explore an outdoor area while the majority of children are engaged in indoor activities or sleeping.
When a key person wishes to take a small group of children on a community walk in their local area.
When a small group of children is visiting a nearby park.
Each lone working situation will be individually assessed and subjected to a thorough risk assessment, considering the staff and children involved, while ensuring that legal ratios are always maintained throughout the premises.