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Staff Code of Conduct

We expect all members of staff to follow the Staff Behaviour Policy, which sets clear guidance on the standards of behaviour required from our staff and volunteers. The guidance aims to encourage staff to meet the highest possible standards of conduct. Pre-school staff are in a position of trust and influence as role models for the children in their care, and as such must demonstrate behaviour that sets a good example to all users of the setting.  Pre-school staff also have a responsibility to maintain their reputation and the reputation of the Preschool, both during and outside of working hours.



  • Our staff team are ambassadors for our preschool and we expect them to conduct themselves professionally at all times.

  • Staff should treat anyone attending the pre-school (children, parents/carers and visitors) courteously and with respect.

  • Swearing and abusive behaviour are not tolerated from anyone at the Pre-school. If any member of staff exhibits such behaviour they will be subject to the Pre-school’s disciplinary procedures


In relation to colleagues:

  • Build collaborative relationships based on trust, respect and honesty.

  • Encourage colleagues to act in accordance with this code and take action in the presence of unethical behaviours.

  • Acknowledge the personal strengths, professional experience and diversity which other colleagues bring to work.

  • Share knowledge, experiences and resources with colleagues.


In relations with parents:

  • Be approachable and friendly, while still being objective and professional and not blurring boundaries.

  • Offer advice and support parents in a respectful way, including initiating possibly difficult discussions, directing parents to other relevant services and making appropriate referrals.

  • Share the safeguarding policy with parents and how the information will be shared with professionals.

  • Focus on the individual child, not make comparisons with other children or breach confidentiality.

  • Intervene when you see a child or parent, being discriminated against or disempowered by another professional.

  • Ensure all discussions regarding children or their parents are confidential and not discussed in their presence unless it is an open discussion and they then have equal opportunity to express themselves.

  • Any differences of opinion between staff members or with parents should be discussed confidentially and away from the children.

  • Avoid giving special attention or having favourite children or parents.

  • Develop relationships of mutual trust with positive, open and honest communication.

  • Accept the family's right to make decisions (or be involved ) about their own children.

  • Maintain respect and the family's right to confidentiality.

  • Learn from families so that they can build on their strengths and be supported in their role of nurturing children.


Dress code

  • Whilst working at Pre-school staff will need to help to set up and pack away the setting, prepare food, facilitate craft activities and engage in physical activities with the children. The clothing and footwear worn should be chosen accordingly, taking into account comfort, health and safety, and practicality. Please see Dress Code Policy for more information.


Confidentiality and social media

  • Staff must not pass on any information about children attending the Pre-school, or their parents and families, to third parties without their permission. The only exception to this rule is information sharing with specific external agencies if there is a safeguarding issue. (‘Third parties’ includes other parents, friends, other children at the Pre-school, the press, etc.)

  • Staff should be on guard when answering the telephone to ensure that any request for information is legitimate.


Use of mobile phones and cameras

  • Staff personal mobile phones must be kept in a locked box in the store cupboard along with their personal belongings during working hours. If a member of staff needs to make an urgent personal call they can request permission to use the Preschool phone or to make a personal call from their mobile in an area not in use by the children.

  • If a member of staff has a family emergency or similar and needs to keep their mobile phone on they must obtain prior permission from the Manager or Deputy and it must be kept away from the children in the kitchen or study.

  • Parental permission must be checked before pictures are taken of any child.


Smoking, alcohol and drugs

  • Staff are not permitted to smoke anywhere on the Pre-school premises, including the outside play areas and car park.

  • Staff are not permitted to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. If a member of staff arrives at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs they will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary action will be taken.

  • If a member of staff is taking any medication which might affect their ability to function effectively, they must inform the Manager immediately. Any prescribed medication needed by a staff member whilst at the Pre-school, must be stored safely in the study or kitchen out of reach and sight of the children attending the Pre-school. Any injury or medical condition that may have an effect on work with children or on the organization of the environment must be discussed with the manager.


Gross misconduct

  • Staff will be dismissed without notice if they are found to have committed an act of gross misconduct. Examples of gross misconduct include, but are not restricted to:

  • Child abuse

  • Failing to comply with health and safety requirements

  • Physical violence

  • Ignoring a direct instruction given by the manager

  • Persistent bullying, sexual or racial harassment

  • Being unfit for work through alcohol or illegal drug use

  • Theft, fraud or falsification of documents

  • Being disqualified under the terms of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Section 75 of the Childcare Act 2006) or the Children’s Act 1989. The Manager will investigate the alleged incident thoroughly before any decision to dismiss is made.


For full details see our Staff Disciplinary policy.


Staff are expected to read and sign the Pre-school staff code of conduct, which summarises this policy, annually as a reminder of the expectations of behaviour and the need to be familiar with and implement all pre-school policies.

Above all, staff have an absolute duty to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and to take appropriate action where they consider that a child may be at risk of suffering harm.



Opening times:


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


(Breakfast Club available 8 - 8:30 £5)


Our Address:

Pentecostal Church Centre 

Tilton Road, Burbage


LE10 2SE  



07925 331497


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