Grievance policy
At our setting, we value open communication and believe that grievances should be resolved in a prompt, fair, and respectful manner. Our policy aims to address employee concerns at the lowest possible level within the setting, while still allowing for an appeal process if needed. This procedure covers all employed staff within our setting who have a grievance. It encompasses all matters that may become a source of concern or complaint.
Support and Representation:
Employees have the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or a work colleague during any grievance meeting.
Informal Resolution:
We encourage a culture of open dialogue and constructive communication between the management team and employees. This promotes swift resolution of questions, concerns, and grievances through informal channels.
Formal Procedure:
Step 1 - Statement of Grievance:
· Employees must provide a written document outlining the nature of their grievance and submit it to the Management Committee.
Step 2 - Grievance Meeting:
· The Manager/Owner will respond to the grievance within 5 working days by inviting the employee to a meeting to discuss the alleged grievance.
· Efforts will be made to schedule the meeting as soon as reasonably possible.
· Attendance at the meeting is expected from both the employee and the management team.
· If unforeseen circumstances prevent attendance, the meeting will be rescheduled.
· During the meeting, the employee should clearly state their complaint and express how they would like to see it resolved.
· If new information emerges that requires investigation, the meeting may be adjourned temporarily.
· Following the final meeting, the management team will provide a written response to the employee within 5 days. The response will include any decisions made and information regarding the right to appeal.
Step 3 - Appeal:
· If the employee believes the grievance has not been adequately addressed, they have 7 days from receiving the decision letter to submit a written appeal, stating the grounds for their appeal.
· Within 5 days of receiving the appeal, the employee will be invited to an appeal hearing where the grievance will be further discussed. The meeting will be scheduled as soon as reasonably possible.
· All parties are expected to make reasonable efforts to attend the appeal hearing. If unforeseen circumstances arise, the meeting will be rescheduled.
· After the appeal hearing, the appeal hearing manager will provide the employee with a written communication regarding the management team's final decision. This communication will be sent within 10 days of the appeal hearing.
· The appeal process represents the final stage of the procedure.
Exceptions to the Procedures:
In cases where the standard grievance procedure is not applicable due to the termination of employment, the modified two-step process will be followed if one of the following conditions is met:
· The setting was not aware of the grievance before the employment ended, or if the setting was aware, the standard procedure had not commenced or concluded at the time of termination.
· The parties involved have mutually agreed in writing to adopt the modified grievance procedure instead of the standard one.
Modified Step 1: The employee must submit a written complaint, specifically requesting the modified procedure.
Modified Step 2: The manager will respond in writing to the employee's complaint and provide a comprehensive explanation.