Safer recruitment policy
We take our commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people very seriously and expect all staff, students and volunteers to do the same.
The aims of the policy:
➢ To ensure that the best possible staff are recruited.
➢ To ensure that all job applicants are considered equitably and consistently.
➢ To ensure that no applicant is treated unfairly on any grounds relating to race, nationality, ethics, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age.
➢ To ensure compliance with relevant recommendations and guidance including the DfES in “safeguarding children:safer recruitment and selection in education settings” and the code of practice by the criminal records bureau.
➢ We carry out necessary employment checks (DBS) and all staff members must have this cleared before they begin their employment or work supervision.
Our procedure is as follows:
➢ Use the Leicestershire County Council’s website to advertise vacancies and other methods.
➢ The advert will always contain the statement written above regarding our commitment to
safeguard children.
➢ All applicants will be required to complete application forms and will then receive a letter stating
whether they have been successful to have a face to face interview.
➢ All shortlisted candidates will receive a job description.
➢ During an interview, applicants will be asked for
â—‹ identity (passport or driving license
â—‹ Relevant qualification (certificates)
â—‹ Eligibility to work in the UK (official paperwork)
â—‹ Their criminal history (disclosing anything that would come up on a DBS)
â—‹ Explanations on any gaps in employment history.
➢ Each applicant will receive a communication stating whether they have been successful or not.
➢ The successful candidate will be informed that their job offer is conditional, dependant on 2 satisfactory written references and an enhanced DBS check which comes back clear.
➢ New members of staff will not be allowed to be unsupervised until a DBS has come back clear.
➢ New members of staff will undergo an 8 week induction, where they read and discuss policies, be introduced to the way we operate and be monitored for work ethic and performance. If satisfactory levels are not being reached their employment may be reconsidered.
➢ All staff need to notify the manager if circumstances arise that may affect their suitability to work with children.
➢ Staff to observe new staff members to highlight possible training requirements especially relating to first aid or safeguarding.
➢ With our home based settings, OFSTED need details to carry out suitability checks.
➢ Staff will be supported throughout their probationary period.