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As a registered provision, our commitment is to uphold the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2023, the Childcare Register (2012), and to create an inclusive environment that welcomes and supports all children and their families.

We also adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Code of Practice 2014.


To fulfil this commitment, we will:

·        Engage in discussions with parents/carers of children new to our setting and any relevant professionals involved with the family to establish the child’s starting points in their learning journey.

·        Prioritise opportunities for communication between parents and staff at the beginning and end of each day, sharing progress and discussing appropriate next steps.

·        Engage in regular conversations with parents/carers to understand the individual needs of each child.

·        Communicate with children to learn about their preferences, dislikes, and interests.

·        Encourage parents/carers to share information about their family culture, religion, and beliefs.

·        Provide a diverse range of resources and activities that reflect the diversity of our local community and beyond.

·        Support each child through sensitive observation, regular assessment, and tailored activities to help them reach their full potential.

·        Offer individualised support based on each child's specific needs.

·        Utilise the 2-year progress check to identify any areas where a child may be falling behind in the prime areas of learning.

·        Focus on highlighting and nurturing the positive abilities and strengths of each child.

·        Lead by example and challenge any form of prejudice or bias.

·        Provide resources that challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity.

·        Share information about children's learning and development with parents/carers, as required by the EYFS, and offer ideas for home learning.

·        Seek permission to involve outside agencies for additional support when appropriate.

·        Attend relevant training to ensure we have the necessary skills and knowledge to support children and their families effectively.

·        Foster a culture of respect among children, encouraging them to value and appreciate each other's individuality.

·        Actively participate in Leicestershire SEND training and SEN drop-ins to ensure we possess the necessary knowledge and continually enhance our professional development as the need arises.


If we identify a child who may require additional support, we will consult with parents and seek their permission to approach any outside agencies that can offer support to them and their child. We follow the graduated approach outlined in the Department for Education's ‘SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years’ to ensure that every child receives the best possible care.


The designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) for our setting is Alison Lancaster.


 Additional funding can be accessed for children with special educational needs (SEN).

For further information, parents and carers can refer to the SEND guide available at



Opening times:


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


(Breakfast Club available 8 - 8:30 £5)


Our Address:

Pentecostal Church Centre 

Tilton Road, Burbage


LE10 2SE  



07925 331497


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