Whistleblowing policy
We uphold the highest standards of transparency, honesty, and accountability. In line with this commitment, we encourage employees to come forward with genuine concerns about any aspect of our operations. This policy ensures that concerns can be voiced without fear of retaliation and aims to address issues within our setting. This Whistleblowing policy addresses concerns beyond other procedures. These concerns may pertain to violations of setting policies and procedures, departures from established practice standards, etc.
This policy aims to:
Provide channels to raise concerns and receive feedback on actions taken.
Offer recourse if dissatisfied with outcomes.
Assure protection from reprisals for genuine whistleblowing in good faith.
Begin by reporting concerns to the manager, considering seriousness and sensitivity.
If the manager is implicated, bring concerns to the owners.
Concerns can be reported verbally or in writing.
Written reports should outline details, including names, dates, places, and reasons.
Initial inquiries determine whether an investigation is needed.
Some concerns may be resolved without an investigation.
Urgent actions take precedence before investigations.
Staff will be informed of how the concern will be handled within 10 working days.
Confidentiality will be maintained, though staff might be required to come forward as witnesses.
Allegations made in good faith but unconfirmed will not result in action against the complainant. Frivolous, malicious, or self-serving allegations may lead to disciplinary action.
You must not:
Conduct your own investigation.
Alert suspected individuals.
Disclose the concern to anyone except designated persons (Manager/Co-owner).
External Reporting:
In cases where confidence in the manager is absent, concerns can be reported to external bodies, including:
OFSTED Whistleblowing: 0300 123 3155 or whistleblowing@ofsted.gov.uk
Local Authority Designated Officer or Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (child protection issues): 0845 606 1212 or 0300 1230 779
Police (suspected crimes)
Whistleblowing charity ‘Protect’ for advice.
NSPCC 0800 028 0285